Mental Health Resources

Our goal is to keep you informed on mental health research and evidence-based treatments.

Mental Health Resources

Written by Justin Baksh, LMHC, Chief Executive Officer

It can be overwhelming when you have questions about mental health. Whether it’s for you or for someone you care about, it’s important to get the answers you need, when you need them.

Whether you’re in search of information about mental health, symptoms of mental disorders, or how to pursue better mental health, we can help. Our mental health resources are free to use and share.

You are Not Alone

iMind Mental Health Solutions helps those struggling with mental health issues, as well as those who love them, every day. We do all we can to help facilitate better understanding about the mental health and erase the stigma, one person at a time.

The Latest Mental Health Research & Updates

Much like other areas of healthcare, mental health is a rapidly evolving field of new discoveries and opportunities. Researchers and clinicians are continually looking for new and better ways to treat mental conditions. That’s why we provide these industry updates to you as they happen. Together, we can stay at the forefront of mental health and its treatment and help make an impact in reversing the progression of the mental health epidemic.

Latest Mental Health Resources

  • What is the Hardest Mental Illness to Have?

    What is the Hardest Mental Illness to Have?

    Mental health is a complex part of our wellbeing, deeply personal and uniquely challenging for each one of us. When it comes to mental illnesses, there is no one-size-fits-all. Each condition brings its own set of obstacles and experiences. When we ask, “What is the hardest mental illness to have?” the answer is far from…

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    Does My Child Have ADHD?

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder commonly recognized in childhood. ADHD manifests through pronounced symptoms of distractibility, impulsiveness, and, in many cases, excessive activity that is beyond the expected behavior for a person’s age and development.

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    What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Does it Work?

    Much like a software developer debugs code, cognitive behavioral therapy works to debug your harmful thoughts and behaviors—but does it work? The answer is yes, and for a variety of mental troubles.

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    What is Mental Health IOP?

    Sometimes it helps to have more support. Mental health intensive outpatient programs can offer that, and have proven helpful in keeping people out of mental health facilities.

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    Answers to the 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy

    Here are the top 10 questions about therapy that we commonly receive. We believe the answers can boost understanding of mental health and the role therapy plays in it.

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    Do Nurse Practitioners Practice Psychiatry?

    When you step into a mental health center or a psychiatrist’s office, you might expect to be seen by a psychiatrist or a therapist. However, it’s increasingly common to find yourself in the care of a nurse practitioner (NP), particularly in settings focused on mental health.

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    What is Mental Health First Aid?

    Mental health first aid is just like the first aid given for physical injuries, but it is for mental health. It provides initial support and care to someone in distress, helping stabilize their situation and guide them toward professional help if needed.

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    TMS for Depression: How it Helps

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) works directly on the areas of the brain responsible for mood regulation. Dysfunction in these areas can cause depression, and TMS aims to correct it.

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    Vagus Nerve Stimulation: How it Helps for Depression

    VNS offers a distinct approach to treating depression, particularly for those facing limitations with traditional methods. VNS utilizes an implanted device, roughly the size of a silver dollar, positioned near your collarbone.

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    Childhood Neglect: What You Need to Know About How it Affects Mental Health

    Childhood neglect casts a long shadow that can extend well into adult life. The ramifications of such neglect are not limited to individual mental health. They manifest powerfully in how we connect, trust, and build relationships as adults.

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    What is Integrative Psychology? Can it Work for You?

    Integrative psychiatry looks at the entire picture of a person’s life. It’s not just about what’s going wrong. It’s about understanding all the factors that affect mental health, including diet, exercise, sleep, relationships, and work-life balance.

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Mental Health Resources

  • You Are Not Alone: The Silent Mental Health Epidemic
    You Are Not Alone: The Silent Mental Health Epidemic

    One in five people – that’s how many Americans faced a mental illness at some point during the last 12 months. This number has been creeping up in recent years. The World Health Organization tells us that mental health conditions, along with substance use disorders, have risen 13% from 2007 to 2017.

  • Does My Child Have ADHD?
    Does My Child Have ADHD?

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder commonly recognized in childhood. ADHD manifests through pronounced symptoms of distractibility, impulsiveness, and, in many cases, excessive activity that is beyond the expected behavior for a person’s age and development.

  • Childhood Neglect: What You Need to Know about How it Affects Mental Health
    Childhood Neglect: What You Need to Know about How it Affects Mental Health

    Childhood neglect casts a long shadow that can extend well into adult life. The ramifications of such neglect are not limited to individual mental health.

Conditions We Treat

Bipolar Disorder

Grief and Loss

Anger Management

Sleep Problems

And More

Bipolar Disorder

Grief and Loss

Anger Management

Sleep Problems

Latest News

  • Limerence: What It is, What Causes it, and How to Stop It
    Limerence: What It is, What Causes it, and How to Stop It

    Limerence is a complex emotional state involving an intense and often overwhelming desire for an emotional connection with another person, hoping deeply for those feelings to be reciprocated. Unlike mere infatuation or sexual attraction, limerence is the desire for a profound emotional bond, mutual understanding, and acknowledgment from their limerent object.

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  • Top 10 Questions About Art Therapy for Mental Health
    Top 10 Questions About Art Therapy for Mental Health

    Art therapy has recently gained recognition for its unique blend of healing therapy and personal expression. Despite its growing popularity, there seems to be some misunderstanding about what art therapy entails, who it can benefit, and how it differs from other forms of therapy.

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  • ADHD Strengths: The Positive Side of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    ADHD Strengths: The Positive Side of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    Scattered minds, fidgety bodies, and difficulty focusing. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often gets painted in shades of struggle. But what if there’s a brighter side to the story? What if, beneath the challenges of ADHD, lie unique strengths just waiting to be unlocked?

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