Mental Health News Articles

Awareness is power. At iMind Mental Health Solutions, we want to educate the public. Here, we will share important information on mental health – from research and treatments to the latest on the current mental health epidemic in the United States. By shining a spotlight on mental health, we seek to destigmatize both mental illness and its treatment.

Person looking at articles on a tablet computer, Mental health news articles
Mental Health News

Are We Overusing the Term Passive Aggressive?

Sometimes people might label behavior as passive-aggressive when it’s actually just indirect communication or avoidance of
confrontation. Overusing the term can dilute its meaning and make it less effective in addressing genuinely passive-aggressive behavior.

Mental Health News

Limerence: What It is, What Causes it, and How to Stop It

Limerence is a complex emotional state involving an intense and often overwhelming desire for an emotional connection with another person, hoping deeply for those feelings to be reciprocated.

Mental Health News

Top 10 Questions About Art Therapy for Mental Health

Art therapy has recently gained recognition for its unique blend of healing therapy and personal expression. Despite its growing popularity, there seems to be some misunderstanding about what art therapy entails, who it can benefit, and how it differs from other forms of therapy.

Mental Health News

ADHD Strengths: The Positive Side of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Scattered minds, fidgety bodies, and difficulty focusing. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often gets painted in shades of struggle. But what if there’s a brighter side to the story? What if, beneath the challenges of ADHD, lie unique strengths just waiting to be unlocked?

Mental Health News

Sunshine and Smiles: Does Living in a Warm Climate Guarantee Happiness?

While the allure of tropical paradises might seem straightforward, the relationship between climate and happiness is far more nuanced. Grab your metaphorical mug of hot coffee (or iced, depending on your climate!), and let’s embark on a journey to understand: Are people in warmer climates truly happier, or is this just another sun-kissed illusion?

Mental Health News

Toxic Behavior Examples: What Toxic Behavior Is… and How to Deal With It

Toxic behavior is characterized by actions and attitudes that harm or manipulate others Recognizing these behaviors is not just an exercise in labeling, but a crucial step towards safeguarding one’s mental health and nurturing healthier relationships.

Mental Health News

Your Brain On Love: The Psychology Behind That Loving Feeling

Like addiction, love can dominate our thoughts and behaviors, causing us to seek the presence and affection of the person we feel love for. Neurotransmitters in the brain feed this pursuit and the more we are around this person or thinking about them, the more these chemicals enhance our feelings of happiness and attachment, creating a powerful emotional bond.

Mental Health News

Money and Mental Health: The Complex Relationship Between Money and Mood

The reality is, our financial lives are not isolated compartments; they deeply intertwine with our physical and psychological wellbeing. This connection is a two-way street: Our mental health often influences financial decisions and, in turn, financial struggles can impact our mental state.

Mental Health News

Am I An Introvert? 7 Myths About Introverts and How to Tell if You Are One

Approximately 56.8% of people worldwide are introverts. Introversion is a natural and healthy personality trait, and there are many successful and well-adjusted introverts in the world.

Mental Health News

A Shadow Over America: Why is Everybody Depressed?

A dark cloud hangs over the American landscape, not one formed by rain or storm, but by a surge in mental health struggles. Depression, the insidious thief of joy and hope, has reached record highs in the US, casting a long shadow over millions of lives. Recent surveys, such as the one conducted by Gallup, paint a stark picture: nearly 30% of Americans now report having been diagnosed with depression in their lifetime, with almost 18% currently experiencing its grip

Mental Health News

Be My Valentine: The Psychology of Attraction

Have you ever met someone and just clicked with them? If so, you’re not alone. That little spark of interest between two people happens millions of times each and every day. But what causes it? Why are we attracted to some people and not others?

Mental Health News

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome? Here’s What You Need to Know

Although it is not an diagnosable mental health condition, imposter syndrome is a phrase coined to describe a feeling of not being as capable as others may think, despite clear evidence of capability. Imposter syndrome is more than just occasional self-doubt. It is a constant worry of being seen as a fake, feeling like success is just luck, or that they other people are deceived about one’s capability.

Mental Health News

What to Do When You Don’t Want the Divorce

Maybe you thought everything was fine. One day you are going about your routine and, seemingly out of nowhere, you hear the words “I want a divorce.” Can this really be happening? Maybe, if you search deep into your psyche, you’ve felt things shift.

Mental Health News

Top 20 Ways People Try to Gaslight You… and How to Shut it Down

Gaslighting is a sneaky and harmful way someone can mess with your head. Imagine someone constantly telling you that what you know to be true isn’t real, or that the things you remember never happened or didn’t happen the way you remember them. That’s gaslighting.

Mental Health News

How Do I Accept My Mental Illness?

Accepting a mental illness is a journey about breaking down the barriers of denial, moving beyond shame, and stepping away from societal stigma. Acceptance is a transformative process that leads to greater self-awareness and the possibility of living a fuller, more authentic life.

Mental Health News

Hoarding Therapy: What is it? Does it Work?

Hoarding disorder transcends the stereotype of being merely a “pack rat.” As the Hoarders show taught us, when you look beyond mountains of clutter, you see a person in mental distress. That’s because hoarding disorder is more than just an accumulation of objects; it is a complex and poorly understood mental health condition that affects millions of people.

Mental Health News

Is the Mental Health of Millennials Declining?

The mental wellbeing of people born in the 1990s is generally poorer than that of previous generations at the same age. This appears to be the same in different countries and involves a range of mental health issues.

Mental Health News

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health… Especially Children and Teens?

Beneath the surface of these vibrant digital communities lies a complex web of psychological impacts. As much as social media serves to connect us, its usage has raised significant concerns about mental health.

Mental Health News

20 Best Mental Health Movies

Through storytelling, characters, and narratives, media can offer a window into the complex world of mental health, highlighting both the struggles and triumphs individuals face.

Mental Health News

What is High-Functioning Anxiety? How to Tell if You Have it

With most anxiety disorders, the struggle is more visible – people might avoid certain situations, or it’s clear they’re having a hard time. But with high functioning anxiety, it’s a bit like being a swan on a lake – on the surface, everything looks smooth and calm, but underneath, there’s a lot of frantic paddling going on.

Mental Health News

Down the Rabbit Hole: Doomscrolling and its Impact on Mental Health

Doomscrolling is continuing to scroll or click through bad news on the internet—even though it is making you feel anxious or depressed—because you can’t seem to stop. You are magnetized by the need to stay informed, even when that information is pretty gloomy. You find yourself reading one piece of worrying news after another, sucked deeper into the whirlpool of distressing headlines and stories, often late into the night.

Mental Health News

Psychology of Dreams: What They Tell You About Your Mental Health

Whether it is personal struggles with mental health or the complexities of modern life, resilience acts as a buffer, helping us navigate challenges with grace and fortitude.

Mental Health News

The Beauty of Resilience: How to Cultivate Mental Strength in Challenging Times

Whether it is personal struggles with mental health or the complexities of modern life, resilience acts as a buffer, helping us navigate challenges with grace and fortitude.

Mental Health News

The Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health

The pursuit of happiness isn’t just a lofty ideal. It is a tangible goal with concrete benefits. Positive psychology can help us get there. Here are 5 principles of this relativity new branch of psychology.

Mental Health News

The Science of Happiness: 5 Principles of Positive Psychology

The pursuit of happiness isn’t just a lofty ideal. It is a tangible goal with concrete benefits. Positive psychology can help us get there. Here are 5 principles of this relativity new branch of psychology.

Mental Health News

11 Ways to Manage Workplace Stress

Approximately 83 percent of U.S. workers report feeling stressed about their jobs. (We think the other 17 percent are their bosses).

Mental Health News

Navigating Postpartum Depression

Having a baby is one of life’s most fulfilling experiences. However, a significant number of new mothers find themselves grappling with postpartum depression.

Mental Health News

What is a Workaholic?

Workaholism is an unhealthy obsession with work. We can all think of people who work hard or are dedicated to their jobs. Workaholics, though, are unable to switch off from work mentally, emotionally, and, sometimes, even physically. Work starts to dominate an individual’s life, to the detriment of their personal relationships, health, and overall well-being.

Mental Health News

What is Situational Depression?

With situational depression, you have difficulty coping with one or more major life events, such as the loss of a loved one, relationship difficulties, or problems at work. It can be severe enough that it impacts how you function in everyday life.

Hand holding a pink brain-shaped sign that says TRAUMA against the outline of the brain, 9 signs you need trauma therapy, iMind Mental Health Solutions
Mental Health News

9 Signs You Need Trauma Therapy

Good news for those who journal. The practice of regularly recording thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a written format – otherwise known as journaling – can serve as a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth.

Mental Health News

Celebrities with Mental Health Issues… and What They Can Teach Us

Celebrities who are open about their mental health struggles have a lot to teach us. Here’s what we can learn from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Prince Harry, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez and more.

Mental Health News

How to Spot – and Deal With – a Narcissist

Are they excessively self-absorbed? Have an exaggerated sense of self-worth? A perpetual desire for adoration and an absence of compassion for other people? If so, you may be dealing with a narcissist.

Mental Health News

What is the Cost of Therapy? 11 Ways to Manage It

the cost of therapy sessions can often be a deterrent for individuals seeking help. Fortunately, mental health services are now covered by many insurance plans.

Mental Health News

26 Songs about Mental Health (and 10 Ways They Can Help You)

Music has long been a way for artists to express their emotions, struggles, and experiences, including those related to mental health. There are numerous songs that delve into issues like depression, anxiety, isolation, suicide and other mental health topics. Some of these songs have resonated deeply with audiences and become particularly well-loved. Songs about mental health can offer several types of support and understanding for those dealing with their own mental health struggles.

Mental Health News

Therapy vs. Psychiatry: What’s the Difference?

Therapy and psychiatry are two essential components of mental health care. They each play a different role in helping individuals overcome a variety of challenges, from managing stress to treating severe mental disorders.

Mental Health News

Journaling for Mental Health

Good news for those who journal. The practice of regularly recording thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a written format – otherwise known as journaling – can serve as a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth.

Mental Health News

Does Therapy Work?

Research has yielded some pretty impressive statistics on the success of therapy. In fact, studies show that 70 to 90 percent of people who receive treatment for mental health experience improvement. This reduction in symptoms is “significant”, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The benefits of therapy are wide-ranging, touching every aspect of our lives.


What is Trauma? How Do You Heal from It?

In the mental health arena, trauma represents the emotional fallout from an event experienced as traumatic. It is unique to the individual: What is traumatic for one person may not be for another. Trauma can even be a repercussion of isolation.

Mental Health News

Why Do People Self-Harm?

Emotions can be hard to navigate, especially for youth. There is a lack of understanding when it comes to how to deal with overwhelming feelings of sadness, anxiousness, anger, and fear. Individuals trying to cope with those emotions may turn to self-harm.

Beautiful Meadow Field With Fresh Grass And Yellow Dandelion Flowers, What Brain Scans Reveal About People with Anxiety

What Brain Scans Reveal About People with Anxiety

It’s a perfect spring day. You are picking flowers in a sunlit meadow. The only thing to worry about are bees buzzing from one bloom to the next. If you knew there were no bees, however, would you be able to relax more?

woman on surfboard in the ocean at dusk, depression and anxiety, two very close friends

Depression and Addiction: Two Very Close Friends

There’s a companion to addiction that is often overlooked. In fact, people rarely consider the two together, even though they go hand in hand.

Man in bed holding hand full of white pills to the side, finding your way after losing someone you love
Grief and Loss

Finding Your Way After Losing Someone You Love

Uncontrollable crying. Burning anger. Total exhaustion. Loss of interest in the world. Grief can include all of this and more. 

The words psychology, discuss, solve and love and illustrations of each concept forming a circle, depression and anxiety surprisingly common

Depression and Anxiety Surprisingly Common

Both anxiety and depression are common among the general population. While depression is the most common mental condition, anxiety disorders are the most common group of mental disorders.

woman with mask on looking out of a window, mental health issues increase during the pandemic
Mental Health News

Mental Health Issues Increase During Pandemic

Among many other disastrous effects, the COVID-19 pandemic spiked anxiety and depression levels to nearly four times their pre-pandemic rates. Case in point: In January to June 2019, 11 percent of adults reported symptoms versus 42 percent in December 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Abbott, 2021) It’s not hard to see why. Shutdowns […]

Mental Health Resources

  • Can You Use FMLA for Mental Health?
    Can You Use FMLA for Mental Health?

    Yes, under the FMLA, eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year to address qualifying family-related or health issues – including mental health ones – without the fear of losing their jobs. Here are the general eligibility criteria for both employees and employers…

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  • What is the Hardest Mental Illness to Have?
    What is the Hardest Mental Illness to Have?

    Mental health is a complex part of our wellbeing, deeply personal and uniquely challenging for each one of us. When it comes to mental illnesses, there is no one-size-fits-all. Each condition brings its own set of obstacles and experiences. When we ask, “What is the hardest mental illness to have?” the answer is far from…

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  • Does My Child Have ADHD?
    Does My Child Have ADHD?

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder commonly recognized in childhood. ADHD manifests through pronounced symptoms of distractibility, impulsiveness, and, in many cases, excessive activity that is beyond the expected behavior for a person’s age and development.

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  • Can You Use FMLA for Mental Health?

    Can You Use FMLA for Mental Health?

    Yes, under the FMLA, eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year to address qualifying family-related or health issues – including mental health ones – without the fear of losing their jobs. Here are the general eligibility criteria for both employees and employers…

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  • What is the Hardest Mental Illness to Have?

    What is the Hardest Mental Illness to Have?

    Mental health is a complex part of our wellbeing, deeply personal and uniquely challenging for each one of us. When it comes to mental illnesses, there is no one-size-fits-all. Each condition brings its own set of obstacles and experiences. When we ask, “What is the hardest mental illness to have?” the answer is far from…

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  • Does My Child Have ADHD?

    Does My Child Have ADHD?

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder commonly recognized in childhood. ADHD manifests through pronounced symptoms of distractibility, impulsiveness, and, in many cases, excessive activity that is beyond the expected behavior for a person’s age and development.

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